Friday, 28 January 2011

This time last year....

I was waiting around for my little boy to show his face! He was 2 weeks overdue in the end (born 11th February) so I was spending my time ensuring my hospital bag was ready, washing the new baby clothes and pre washing all the cloth nappies ready for use.

Pre washing is recommended for ALL nappies, dependant on which fabric is used will depend upon how many times you need to prewash. Prewashing will help build up the absorbency of the nappy - just in the same way we wash our towels before we use them so they work better.
I usually pre wash all my new nappies together if I can, but it's fine to pop them in your normal wash. You don't need to dry them in between washing - I usually put my washing machine on it's shortest cycle at 30 degrees and then just keep washing!
So for example....
Cotton terry will need about 5 or 6 washes
Bamboo terry and hemp will need about 10 - 15 washes
Micro fibre and fleece will only need 1 prewash.

I'm spending this year a lot differently, I'm planning Edwards first birthday party, discovering new nappies and thinking about all the money I've saved over the past year by using cloth nappies. This time next year I imagine I'll be looking at potty training!!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Well hello 2011!

Happy New year everyone! Hope you all had a good Christmas break too?
I'm in the middle of a good clear out - you know what they say new year, new start and all that. I've been meaning to do it for a while now as I'm getting a big stash of nappies that Edward has outgrown and nappies that no longer suit him. I've found that as he's grown, different nappies have suited him at different times and unfortunately I can't speak for every child here but I think it is a case of trying different nappies until you find the one that suits your child best.
My clear out is showing me which items I need to replace for larger sizes, which then prompted me to go on a crazy buying spree of nappies and soakers to top up my stash. My spree did include some new clothes from a 'cut for cloth' website. 
I must admit that Edward is already in size 12 - 18 month clothes, and yes I do think it's down to cloth nappies but there are tons of 'cut for cloth' clothes available on the internet, many of which are made with organic cotton.

We took Edward for an ultrasound scan yesterday to check up on his lone ranger kidney. We now have to wait for an appointment to see the specialist but everything went well I think. The nurse looking after us was chuffed to see a 'real nappy' and told me she wished she saw more babies in cloth nappies (she also commented on how funky the nappy was) it reminded me how much I enjoy doing my bit for the environment and how much pride I take in it - it makes me laugh to think that a few short years ago if someone started talking to me about nappies I'd think they were crazy!